Joint-venture transaction in the Chinese market


Legal assistance in the definition of agreements for the incorporation of a joint venture company operating in Cina.

December 2016

The Firm provided assistance in favour of an Italian joint stock company operating in the biomedical field in the definition of certain agreements with a Chinese listed company active in the same market, aimed at the establishment of a newly incorporated company having seat in Shanghai (“newco”) participated by both economic entities. The competent local authorities have already granted the parties with the necessary authorizations for the closing of the transaction.

In particular, the assistance provided by the Firm – with the support of local lawyers – included the drafting and negotiation of the framework agreement governing any and all terms and condition of the transaction and of the joint venture agreement, inclusive of the newco’s corporate governance rules. Assistance has also been granted in the definition of the commercial agreements pertaining to the transaction, among which a supply and distribution agreement and a license and manufacturing agreement.

With the perfection of the above transaction, the Firm confirmed its experience in providing legal assistance to Italian companies having commercial interests in the Chinese market.